The African Observatory on Responsible Artificial Intelligence


African voices

to global debates on AI

The African Observatory on Responsible Artificial Intelligence (the African Observatory) has recognised the need to promote African voices, experiences and value systems in global debate around responsible AI.

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About this project

Established in 2022, the African Observatory on Responsible Artificial Intelligence (the African Observatory) has recognised the need to promote African voices, experiences and value systems in global debate around responsible AI. The website, research repository and policy map form the main outputs and interface with the public.

Scholars in the social sciences and humanities are emphasising that an ‘African’ view on AI and AI ethics is critical for ensuring that the development and adoption of these new technologies  supports, and is not harmful to, African societies and ways of living. The African Observatory takes a special focus on the foundational elements of inclusive and responsible AI governance, particularly as it relates to Africa’s (pre/post) colonial memory and in the context of our diverse democratic, constitutional and legal mechanisms of accountability.

The African Observatory operates as a central hub for all projects funded by IDRC/SIDA AI4D Africa. It is a digital meeting place and repository of Africa-focused AI research initiatives. The research will develop findings and recommendations arising from investigating the core impacts of AI on African societies. The intention is that this will form the foundation of a long-term sustainable response to AI, as well as provide frameworks that govern policymaking, implementation and review.

Project details

Research ICT Africa (RIA) & Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)
Project start:
January 2022
Project status:
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