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Adrian Kearns is a Project Manager at Openup as well as the Programme Manager for the organisation's Local Government Programme. Prior to joining Openup, Adrian had worked in the South African Government for 16 years. His knowledge and experience about the three spheres of South Africa's Government, coupled with his understanding of Community Development, Spatial & Development Planning in government have trickled into some of the projects within Openup. His two achievements have to be the effective management of National Treasury Projects, vulekamali and Municipal Money, both focusing on making government budget data more accessible to citizens of South Africa. His passion is finding innovative ways to advance citizen participation in government, especially at a localised level. He has recently project lead on developing an online tool called the Public Participation Guide, which aims to create a platform for citizens to engage their municipality, with the necessary information at hand, to engage effectively. Similar to the Public Participation Guide, he also leads another project, a Citizen Engagement App, which takes participation somewhat deeper, in focusing on service delivery disruptions and service delivery faults that can be reported by citizens. His thinking is centred around research and gathering as much data about a particular issue, before formulating solutions. All his projects are user-driven, meaning, ensuring that adequate research is done to understand the needs of the targeted users and testing solutions with users. It's about experimentation, learning and being able to adapt to an agile project management methodology which Openup religiously applies.
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